How to Check Contract Plan Information

This article explains how to check current plan information, including fees, contract type, current number of administrators and start-up period.

Updated November 22, 2024


User Permissions for Accessing This Feature
Owner Standard Administrator Flow Administrator Task Manager Guest  General
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  • Access to the current plan information is restricted to users with the "Owner" administrator role.
    • For users with the roles of "Standard Administrator," "Flow Administrator," or "Task Administrator":


  • For detailed information about your current plan, including any changes, please reach out to your mfloow representative.


How to Check Your Contract Details

From an "Owner" account, navigate to "Settings" and select "Contracts."



The contract details will be displayed. On this screen, you can verify the following information:


Plan Current Plan Name
Pricing Current Plan Pricing
Number of Administrators
  • (Currently Active): The number of administrator accounts currently in use.
  • (Maximum Limit): The maximum number of active administrator accounts allowed under your current plan.

Conditions for Billing:

 -  Active users who have not been removed
 - User Roles: Owner, Standard Administrator, Flow Administrator, Task Administrator

 - Employee Status: Active, On Leave, or Pre-Employment

Start Date for Usage Start Date of Current Plan
Contract Renewal Current Plan Renewal Type

If Maximum Administrators is Reached

If the maximum number of administrators set by your current plan has been reached, you will no longer be able to manually add new administrators or upload them in bulk via a CSV file.

To add new administrators, you have the following options:

  • Change the status of existing administrators to "Resigned" or "Declined" in order to create new administrators.
  • Remove an existing administrator to create a new one.
  • Change the role of existing administrators to "General" or "Guest" to create new administrators.

If you would like to increase the maximum number of administrators allowed under your current plan, please contact your mfloow representative for assistance.