How to Send Comments to Specific Members

This article explains how to add comments and mentions to tasks.

Updated December 4, 2024


User Permissions for Accessing This Feature
Owner Standard Administrator Flow Administrator Task Manager Guest  General


In mfloow, you can send comments (mentions) to other members.
Select "Flow" and click on the task you wish to comment on within the task details of that flow.32-Checklist-02
In the lower right corner of the task details, a comment section will appear. Click the "@" symbol, enter your comment, and then click "Send." If the recipient has notifications enabled for email, in-app alerts, or Slack, they will receive a notification of your comment.

*Note: The character limit for comments is 1,000 characters.


Formatting Comments


You can format the text within your comments.


To add headings or bullet lists, click on "Normal Text" and select the desired format.



To make text bold, click the "B" icon; for italic text, click the "I" icon; and to underline text, click the "U" icon.



When a URL is added, it will automatically be converted into a clickable link.



To turn text into a link, select the desired text and click on the link icon. A pop-up will appear where you can enter the URL. After adding the URL, click the checkmark icon to save your changes.




Formatting Shortcuts

By adding a space after the following symbols in your description, the text will automatically be converted into the specified format.

  • Heading (H1, etc.):#
  • List:-
  • Quotation:>