Member Authorization Types

This article describes the permissions of Standard Administrators, Flow Administrators, Task Administrators and General member accounts.

Updated November 20, 2024


mfloow offers six distinct user roles, each with specific permissions.

  1. Owner
  2. Standard Administrator
  3. Flow Administrator
  4. Task Administrator
  5. Guest
  6. General Member


Account Permissions Description


The Owner holds the highest level of authority among Standard Administrators, granting them access to all information within mfloow and the ability to utilize every available feature.

The Owner can view and edit flows and tasks with restricted access, even if they are not the assigned responsible party.

Each company must have at least one Owner assigned.

*The first member registered when creating a company account will automatically be assigned the role of Owner.

Standard Administrator

Members who utilize mfloow to perform administrative tasks are referred to as Standard Administrators. Standard Administrators have access to nearly all features within mfloow, with the exception of the following restrictions:

  • The Owner's permissions cannot be altered.
  • Access to flows and tasks that have viewing restrictions is not permitted.
  • The settings for company information, business hours, and IP address restrictions cannot be edited.

Flow Administrator

Members who use mfloow to view and edit only the flows they are responsible for.

The capabilities of a Flow Administrator include:

  • Can only view and edit the flows that they are assigned to, which include their designated tasks.
  • Has the ability to initiate flows.
  • Has the ability to send emails to designated recipients.

The limitations of a Flow Administrator include:

  • Cannot view or edit any flows other than those that include tasks they are responsible for.
  • Cannot create new members.
  • Cannot view or edit the member page.
  • Cannot initiate flows for which they are not assigned as responsible.
  • Cannot view any flows or tasks that are restricted or not assigned to them.
  • Cannot modify permissions.
  • Cannot edit settings related to general configurations or external service integrations.
Task Administrator

Members who utilize mfloow are able to view and edit only the tasks they are assigned to.

The Task Administrator can perform the following actions:

  • Can only view and edit the tasks they are assigned to.
  • Has the ability to initiate flows.
  • The ability to send emails to designated recipients.

The limitations of a Task Administrator include:

  • Cannot view or edit any tasks other than those they are assigned to.
  • Cannot create new members.
  • Cannot view or edit the member page.
  • Cannot view any flows or tasks that are restricted or not assigned to them.
  • Modifications to permissions are not permitted.
  • Cannot edit settings related to general configurations or external service integrations.

A Guest can only change the status of assigned tasks and add comments within those tasks. Unlike Task Administrators, Guests are unable to modify task settings and can only view the specific tasks assigned to them.

Guests can perform the following actions:

  • Can toggle the checkboxes for task checklists.
  • Have the ability to attach files.
  • Have the ability to add comments.
  • Have the ability to change the status of their assigned tasks.

The limitations of a Guest include:

  • Have access only to their assigned tasks, profile, and notification settings.
  • Profile editing is not permitted.
  • Adding or removing tasks is not permitted.
  • Adding or changing assignees is not permitted.
  • Changing deadlines is not permitted.
  • Adding or editing related tasks is not permitted.
  • Editing of viewing restrictions is not permitted.
  • Editing task descriptions is not permitted.
General Member

General Members are individuals managed within mfloow as flow participants. They do not have the ability to perform any actions within the mfloow platform.


Permissions by Function

Click on each image to view a larger version.



Flow Template



